Marin Forest Health Strategy
As a contractor for the Golden Gate National Parks Conservancy (GGNPC), Tukman Geospatial support the Marin Forest Health Strategy with various types of mapping and analysis. Tukman Geospatial created a fine scale vegetation map of all of Marin County, and during that process mapped standing dead trees as well as newly formed canopy gaps, which were mapped using lidar differencing of the 2019 and 2010 lidar point clouds. Tukman Geospatial also worked with GGNCP to develop a GIS model that utilizes various ‘best available’ datasets to prioritize fuel reduction projects in Marin County. Tukman Geospatial’s mapping and modeling were used to inform the health strategy.
In addition to the mapping and data analysis, our team helped support the Forest Health Strategy by working with GGNCP to develop the Marin Forest Health Webmap and the Marin Forest Health Watershed Report Downloader.